Kristen has been accepted to the Medical School at the Indiana University-School of Medicine. Congratulations Kristen, we are all very excited for your future! Update: Kristen has also been accepted to Northwestern University (Feinberg School …
Month: February 2020
Ozioma Okonkwo Founds the Dementia Special Interest Group
Ozioma Okonkwo founded the Dementia Special Interest Group (SIG) within the International Neuropsychological Society. He will also serve as the inaugural chair of the SIG, which promotes scholarly conversations around research, practice, and education as …
Max Gaitán Publishes
Max Gaitan published a paper in a special issue of Brain Plasticity devoted to Exercise and Cognition. There was also a press release about his paper. “Brain Glucose Metabolism, Cognition, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Following Exercise …
Clayton Presented at INS 2020 Conference
Clayton Vesperman gave an oral presentation on February 8th for his abstract titled “Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Age-Related Cognitive Decline in a Cohort Enriched with Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease” at the INS 2020 Annual Meeting in Denver, …
Ryan Dougherty Accepted a Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Ryan Dougherty has accepted a post-doctoral fellowship at the John Hopkins University on the T23 training grant titled “Age-Related Cognitive Disorders”. He starts there Fall 2020 and will be working with Drs Jennifer Schrack and …
Ozioma Okonkwo at INS Conference 2020
Ozioma Okonkwo was presented a plaque in Recognition of Outstanding Leadership for his role as Program Chair of the INS 2020 Conference.